The study of the epidemiology of HIV and AIDS as an important component in the development of directions for the rational use of limited health resources and pharmaceutical provision of the population in Ukraine




HIV; AIDS; HIV epidemiology; AIDS epidemiology; epidemiological profile of the population with HIV


Aim. To study the indicators characterizing the epidemiological profile of the population of Ukraine concerning HIV and AIDS in the dynamics of the years.

Materials and methods. Data from the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine were used. Both general theoretical (historical, analytical-comparative, systemic, logical, etc.) and applied methods (epidemiological, mathematical-statistical, etc.) were applied.

Results. It was found that during 2015-2019 there was an increase in the rates of HIV infection of the population, both sexually and parenterally (excluding data for 2017). In 2019, the number of cases of human infection through sexual contact increased by 27.1 % compared to 2015, and via parenteral infection – by 31.4 %. The trend towards a systematic decrease in the number of children born to HIV-infected mothers during the entire follow-up period was positive. In 2019, compared with the data for 2015, there was an increase in the number of HIV-infected adults by 3.1 %, while AIDS patients, on the contrary, decreased by 11.3 %. An important fact was a decrease in the number of HIV-infected children under 18 by 27.3 % and children under 14 by 27.6 % in 2019 compared to 2015. A negative trend was an increase in the number of deaths from AIDS-related pathologies among adults in 2015-2018, as well as among children under 18 years of age in 2019 by 18.0 %. Based on the results of the analysis of the structure of HIV-infected people by age, there was a systematic increase in the proportion (%) of adults (from 81.0 % in 2015 to 86.6 % in 2019). In addition, the number of adult patients per HIV-infected child under the age of 18 was increasing (2015 – 4.27 adult patients, in 2016 – 4.98 people, in 2017 – 4.91 people, 2018 – 5.39 people, and 2019 – 6.68 people).

Conclusions. The presence of positive trends in the development of the epidemiological profile of the population of Ukraine for HIV and AIDS requires not only financial support from the state and society in the future, but also the development and implementation of the appropriate social and educational projects aimed at preventing further spread of this infection among the population.


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Yefremova, V. V. ., Panfilova, H. L. ., Okseniuk, O. Y. ., Sokurenko, I. A. ., Tsurikova, O. V. ., & Boboshko, L. H. (2021). The study of the epidemiology of HIV and AIDS as an important component in the development of directions for the rational use of limited health resources and pharmaceutical provision of the population in Ukraine. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 7(2), 61–72.



Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research