Тhe study of the product range of modern oral care devices – irrigators





commodity analysis; irrigator; assortment; classification; purpose; design features.


Research over the past decade has found that the etiology of periodontal disease is a bacterial infection. Efficient ongoing removal of dental plaque is essential, but this may not be enough to completely eliminate the disease. An oral irrigator has been shown to be effective in reducing inflammatory responses associated with periodontal disease for daily use. It has been proven that the daily use of the oral cavity irrigator reduces plaque, concretion, gingivitis, bleeding, and the depth of periodontal probing.

Aim. To investigate the modern assortment of irrigators available at the domestic market, conduct the commodity analysis, study their purpose, design features of these devices and their components, as well as the principles of operation and consumer properties.

Materials and Methods. The informational, retrospective methods, as well as the materials based on research of scientific literature, Internet resources and own conclusions were used.

Results. As a result of the research the authors provided a short historical perspective on the features and necessity of creating devices – irrigators. The current assortment of irrigators, their diversity, purpose, elements of construction, configuration, principles of operation of the device, general technical characteristics have been analyzed. A detailed study of technical characteristics and the comparison of design features of different types of irrigators have been carried out. As a result of the research, it has been determined that this apparatus is represented only by foreign manufacturers at the Ukrainian market. Due to the annual modernization of dental equipment the commodity analysis of irrigators is a hot topic, which must be constantly studied. This will enable modern distributors and pharmacists to thoroughly possess information about irrigators and to bring it to consumers.

Conclusions. The knowledge of the assortment, types, principles of operation, peculiarities of construction and technical characteristics of irrigators are the basis for consumers to receive high-quality and affordable devices, which will guarantee timely and high-quality oral care.


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How to Cite

Zaporozhska . S. М. ., Ваrаnоvа І. І. ., Bezpala, Y. O. ., Breusova, S. V. ., & Dyadyun , T. V. . (2021). Тhe study of the product range of modern oral care devices – irrigators. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 7(2), 73–79. https://doi.org/10.24959/sphhcj.21.219



Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research