The content analysis of scientific and methodological approaches to the application of physical therapy in myocardial infarction at the hospital stage




Aim. To Consider the issue of managing the rehabilitation process of persons with myocardial infarction in the acute period.

Materials and methods. The scientific and methodical literature on the use of physical therapy in myocardial infarction at the hospital stage was analyzed.

Results. Prescribing therapeutic exercises depends on the severity of the course of the disease. Patients are divided into 4 classes. This division is based on different types of combinations of the main indicators of the course of the disease, such as the size and depth of the heart muscle damage, the presence and nature of complications, the severity of coronary insufficiency. Physical therapy for patients with myocardial infarction consists of three periods, each of which has its own goals.

Conclusions. The direct effect of therapeutic exercises on patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system is manifested as follows: the functional state of the cerebral cortex is normalized, the well-being of patients before physical exertion improves; a positive reaction of the links of the central and peripheral apparatus of the blood circulation develops; the redox phase of metabolism improves; the function of the neurohumoral regulation of the circulatory system improves.


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How to Cite

Myatiga О. M., Tamozhanska, G. V. ., Myatiga, D. S. ., Karabut, L. V. ., & Lytvynenko, H. L. (2023). The content analysis of scientific and methodological approaches to the application of physical therapy in myocardial infarction at the hospital stage. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(1), 39–45.



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