The role and characteristics of emotional intelligence of pharmaceutical employees


  • I. V. Pestun National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Z. M. Mnushko Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine, Ukraine



Aim. To study and generalize the main provisions of emotional intelligence, the role of its basic components among professional competencies, features in performing the main functions of a pharmacist and the head of a pharmaceutical organization, as well as the specificity of the manifestation in a crisis situation, in particular, in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Materials and methods. Data from scientific literature, legislative and regulatory acts, information sites on the Internet. Methods of content analysis, structural and logical analysis, generalization, comparison, grouping, and formalization of reasoning were used.

Results. As a result of the study, the internal and external factors influencing on the emotional intelligence of a pharmaceutical worker have been identified. The features of the manifestation of the emotional state of a pharmacist and the head of the pharmaceutical organization in a crisis situation have been shown. The role of emotional intelligence in communication with stakeholders, in conflict situations, for the prevention of emotional burnout, etc., has been determined. The importance of emotional intelligence for the effectiveness of the individual and the pharmaceutical organization as a whole has been shown.

Conclusions. The importance of emotional intelligence of pharmaceutical workers and managers in the performance of functional duties, including in communications with consumers of medicines and medical products, partners, employees of the organization, etc., has been shown when resolving conflicts, reducing the risk of emotional burnout, forming self-motivation and motivation, etc. Factors affecting emotional intelligence, including the crisis situation that the Russian-Ukrainian war has become, have been identified. The role of emotional intelligence for the individual and for the pharmaceutical organization has been differentiated.


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How to Cite

Pestun, I. V. ., & Mnushko, Z. M. . (2023). The role and characteristics of emotional intelligence of pharmaceutical employees. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(1), 46–54.



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities