Modern models of public administration in the system of healthcare and pharmacy




public management; public administration; state administration; healthcare; self-government; Good Governance.


The evolution of the system of socio-economic relations determines the changes in public administration models in the direction of ensuring publicity and informatization. To achieve the key goals of healthcare, it is important to have a clear understanding of the management methodology, in particular, the conceptual and categorical apparatus. Currently, the terminology of public management and administration, governance, public administration and regulation, public management needs to be agreed.

Aim. To analyze modern models of public management and changes in the modern content of concepts of management theory in the healthcare and pharmacy system.

Materials and methods. Analysis and generalization of the legal framework and scientific publications on the theory and practice of public administration in the healthcare system and pharmacy.

Results. The theoretical and methodological principles of management in the healthcare system and the conceptual and categorical apparatus were studied. Modern concepts of public management and features of the implementation of the main principles of “Good Governance” in the system of healthcare and pharmacy were studied. The analysis of public management models in the healthcare system was carried out, the main characteristics and principles of implementation were determined. The priority areas of activity of state bodies in the direction of achieving the global goals of sustainable development regarding the universal coverage of the population with healthcare services were determined.

Conclusions. At the current stage, it is important to search for the most socially effective model of public management in the healthcare system and pharmacy, which aims to timely and fully ensure the maximum coverage of the population with medical services of proper quality, requires a clear understanding of the complex of organizational principles, modern forms and means of influence.


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How to Cite

Babenko, M. M. ., Nemchenko, A. S. ., Nazarkina, V. M. . ., & Kosyachenko, K. L. . (2023). Modern models of public administration in the system of healthcare and pharmacy. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(2), 19–25.



Health organization