The study of doctors’ attitude to the use of fixed combinations in the therapy of arterial hypertension




arterial hypertension; antihypertensive drugs; fixed combinations; questionnaire survey; method of a priori ranking.


Aim. To study doctors’ attitude to the prescription of fixed combinations of antihypertensive drugs by a questionnaire survey, as well as the factors that determine this choice.

Materials and methods.  Specially designed questionnaires were used for the study; the data were analyzed using the method of a priori ranking, system analysis, mathematical-statistical methods, the analogy and comparison methods.

Results. The questionnaire survey involved 162 doctors, among them cardiologists (45.1 % of the sample) with the work experience from 12 to 40 years dominated. The studies have shown that most doctors prefer to combine angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with a diuretic or a calcium channel blocker. When prescribing fixed combinations, their effectiveness, safety and duration of action of the medicines selected are taken into account.

Conclusions. A sociological study has been conducted among doctors; the groups of combined antihypertensive drugs that are preferred have been identified. It has been found that for the further development of the pharmaceutical provision of the population, doctors see the need to develop new combined medicines. Therefore, according to the interviewed doctors, such combinations of drugs as ramipril with indapamide, bisoprolol with indapamide, metoprolol with ramipril and indapamide; ramipril with amlodipine and indapamide are the most relevant, safe and effective among the new drugs proposed for the development.


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How to Cite

Malanchuk, N. V. ., & Demchuk, M. B. . (2023). The study of doctors’ attitude to the use of fixed combinations in the therapy of arterial hypertension . Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(2), 26–34.



Health organization