Features of forming a social package for pharmacy specialists in pharmacy institutions





pharmaceutical institutions; pharmacy specialists; social protection; social package


Aim. To study the features of forming a social package (SP) for pharmacy specialists (PS) in pharmacy institutions and the directions of their targeted implementation in modern conditions.

Materials and methods. The results of personal research, such scientific methods as sample observations, desk and analytical analysis, comparison, abstract-logical, synthesis, sociological (questionnaire), expert assessments were used.

Results. Issues of social protection of PS have been given attention since the days of the planned economy. At the same time, the study of the features of forming SP for PS in pharmacy institutions as a necessary tool for the implementation of social protection was insufficient. According to the results of a survey of respondents, our research determined the motivational needs of PS when forming SP in pharmacy institutions, the expediency of taking into account certain groups of employees in them, the expediency of considering the age of PS, the attitude to the fulfillment of additional obligations and functions by PS when forming SP, the availability of ways to satisfy the needs of PS and employers in the formation of SP, the components of SP that are preferred by PS at the level of pharmacy institutions, possible directions for supporting PS in modern conditions of exposure to increased risks.

Conclusions. It has been found that when forming SP for PS at the level of pharmacy institutions it is necessary to focus on certain features. For this purpose, the expediency of considering certain groups of employees, possible ways to meet the needs of PS and employers, the list of components of SP, the expediency fulfilling additional obligations and functions by PS in the formation of SP have been studied. The directions of support of PS when forming SP in pharmacy institutions in modern conditions have been outlined. In the complex, this will allow to increase the motivation in the professional activities of PS, their social protection and the quality of pharmaceutical provision, medical, civil and military institutions in general.


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How to Cite

Zarichkova, M. V. ., Tolochko, V. M. ., Semchenko К. V. ., Dolzhnikovа O. M. ., & Moroz, S. G. (2023). Features of forming a social package for pharmacy specialists in pharmacy institutions. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(2), 46–55. https://doi.org/10.24959/sphhcj.23.287



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities