Research of ways to improve the effectiveness of remote sales in pharmacies




site; pharmacy networks; problems; growth points, recommendations


Aim. To audit the websites of pharmacy chains to identify the main problems and directions for improving the effectiveness of the sale of medicines using information and communication systems remotely.

Materials and methods. The content analysis, desk research methods, logical summarization of results, and the graphic method were used to achieve the goal. Data from website analytics were used for the analysis.

Results. Six sites of pharmacy chains in Ukraine have been analyzed. It has been found that on average one user views three pages per session, the duration of the session is one minute on average, and the buyer on average collects a basket of four products in the amount of UAH 300. It has been determined that the main login pages are: product page, product list, and main page. It has been determined that search is a key feature of product selection and is used in 15 % of all sessions. It has been found that in 70 % of cases, mobile devices are used, desktops are used in on average in 26 % of cases, and tablets are used in 4 % of cases. It has been determined that, on average, twice as many conversions are made through the desktop than when using mobile devices and tablets. For the analysis, the most common scenarios of user behavior on the pharmacy chain sites have been selected. While implementing the most frequent errors on websites have been identified, when the interface does not respond to important requests of consumers, which affects their purchase decisions. The analysis and systematization of the main errors on the websites of pharmacy chains have been carried out; recommendations for their elimination have been formulated. This will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of information support for electronic sales of pharmacies in accordance with the requirements of proper pharmacy practice, will affect the customer loyalty and the economic indicators of the activity of pharmacies.

Conclusions. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that usability errors and factors contributing to growth should not be underestimated since they can significantly affect conversion rates; even a slight rapid change can improve the site’s KPIs; it is necessary to make the interface equally user-friendly on different devices.


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How to Cite

Bondarieva, I. V., Malyi, V. V. ., Rohulia, O. Y. ., Chehrynets, A. A. ., Malinina, N. G. ., Бабічева, Г. С. ., & Shuvanova, O. (2023). Research of ways to improve the effectiveness of remote sales in pharmacies. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(2), 56–62.



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities