Development of management and its impact on medicine and pharmacy
management trends; leadership; employee skills; value-oriented approach; digitization of healthcare and pharmacy; artificial intelligence in medicine and pharmacy; pharmaceutical market; social responsibility.Abstract
Aim. To study and generalize the main current trends in the theory and practice of management and their impact on the activities of healthcare institutions.
Materials and methods. Scientific literature, legislative and regulatory acts, informational websites on the Internet were used. Such methods as the content analysis, comprehensive and systemic approach, structural-logical analysis, generalization, comparison, and grouping were applied.
Results. The current trends in management have been systematized and grouped. The role of the development of organizational management theory and practice in changing approaches to management, leadership in forming new requirements for the skills of employees, increasing attention to the human factor, digitalization of management processes, socialization of management, etc., in general and in the healthcare system in particular has been demonstrated. Areas of use of artificial intelligence (AI) in medical, clinical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnological practice have been identified. The impact of innovative processes on the functioning of pharmaceutical market entities has been characterized.
Conclusions. Modern management trends have been analyzed; changes in management concepts and company transformation have been described; the characteristics of contemporary leadership, the implementation of a value-oriented approach, directions for the development of mechanisms for intellectual management and digitalization, and innovative approaches to management have been determined. The impact of existing management trends and achievements on the medical and pharmaceutical system has been demonstrated.
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