The study of key aspects of the professional activity of a clinical pharmacist to create a job description on a competency-based approach


  • M. V. Zarichkova Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists of the National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • I. Yu. Mishyna Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists of the National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • O. M. Dolzhnikova Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists of the National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • M. M. Nessonova Private Institution of Higher Education “Kharkiv International Medical University”, Ukraine, Ukraine



CPD activities; clinical pharmacist; competencies; competency-based approach; healthcare institutions; job description; medicinal products; pharmaceutical care; pharmacy specialists; SOPs.


description on a competency-based approach

Aim. To study the attitude of experts to various aspects of the professional activity of a clinical pharmacist (CP) and determine the current requirements for professional competencies necessary for the effective performance of duties in modern conditions, with further consideration of the results when developing a job description on a competence-based approach.

Materials and methods. The survey methods, analysis and synthesis, as well as formal-logical, semantic, comparative, and systematic methods were used in the study. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel, Epitools (Ausvet Ltd., Australia), and STATISTICA 13 (TIBCO Software Inc., USA).

Results. The significance of CP job functions, workplace requirements, documentation and reporting has been assessed. The study has confirmed the need to update professional competencies in accordance with changes in legislation and current challenges, especially under martial law conditions. Regulatory documents governing CP activities have been identified, and attention has been focused on professional development, rights, duties, and responsibilities. The key documents for the Infection Control Department (ICD) have been highlighted, and the importance of standard operating procedures (SOP) has been evaluated. The issues related to the medical staff consulting, performing duties outside the hospital, communication barriers with the healthcare personnel, and the assessment of key performance indicators (KPI) have been studied.

Conclusions. The study has confirmed the expansion of CP’s professional responsibilities, in particular in the field of the rational use of antimicrobial agents (AMA), drug monitoring, and the medical staff consulting. The key professional competencies have been defined, including AMA therapy management, compliance with SOP, and maintenance of relevant documentation. The main professional development activities identified are continuous professional development (CPD) initiatives, such as simulation training and practical skills training, as well as advanced training courses in thematic improvement and specialization. Based on the study, a job description for CP has been developed, and it meets modern standards and contributes to improving the CP efficiency in healthcare institutions.


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How to Cite

Zarichkova, M. V., Mishyna, I. Y., Dolzhnikova, O. M. ., & Nessonova, M. M. . (2025). The study of key aspects of the professional activity of a clinical pharmacist to create a job description on a competency-based approach. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 11(1), 3–18.



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