Pharmacoepidemiological and pharmacoeconomic research of the medicines’ usage of peritoneal dialysis in the treatment of the patients with chronic kidney disease


  • O. S. Yakovleva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine
  • O. V. Getalo Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine



medicines for peritoneal dialysis, provision, chronic kidney disease, cost, register wholesale prices


In recent years, the number of people has increased who are on peritoneal dialysis (PD), and the age-specific structure of the patients has changed in the direction of increasing elderly patients. In 2013, in Ukraine the proportion of PD in the structure of dialysis therapy was 15.3%. The most number of the patients (43.8%) have been getting PD procedures within 1 to 3 years. The every third patient who receives PD is the villagers. In the structure of supply and availability of PD in the diverse population of regions of Ukraine there are significant differences resulted the organizational and financial nature’s problems. To justify the involvement of additional funding has intended the application of the PD cost per patient for one year. It is established that a significant divergence indicators value depend on the price of the means for PD, the appointment of which depends on the clinical condition of the patient. It is also determined that the least expensive medicine is the usage of the drug «Diavitek PD» (147,606.00 GRN per year), the most expensive is «Dianeal PD 4 with the content of glucose 1,36% m/v/13.6 mg/ml» (679 520, 50 GRN per year).


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research