Monitoring of the cost of medicines used for peritoneal dialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease


  • O. S. Yakovleva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine
  • O. V. Getalo Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine



monitoring, cost, peritoneal dialysis, reimbursement of drug cost


The results of monitoring of the cost of medicines used for peritoneal dialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease are given in this article. As of September 2015, according to the register of wholesale prices for medicines, the indexes of the cost of the permanent and automatic (intermittent, the cyclerassociated and tidal) peritoneal dialysis have been calculated. It has been found that the largest share in the cost of dialysis care is for a tidal peritoneal dialysis. Taking into account the significant costs of providing medical and pharmaceutical care to patients with the renal profile the problem of its availability in the national healthcare should be settled by the complex of directions. One of these directions is development and implementation of the mechanisms of drug reimbursement to provide dialysis care for patients at the expense of state and local budgets.


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Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities