The study of introduction of the ethics code of pharmacists of Ukraine in to the practical activity


  • A. A. Kotvitska National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • I. O. Surikova National University of Pharmac, Ukraine
  • N. V. Gavrish National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



moral and ethical norms, the Ethics Code of Pharmacists of Ukraine, pharmacist, professional ethics, the ethics committee


The important condition for solving problems of unethical behavior of the subjects of the pharmaceutical market is introduction the Ethics Code of Pharmacists of Ukraine into the practical activity. The article presents the results of a questionnaire survey of employees in the pharmaceutical sector of health care in order to identify the current trends related to introduction problems and mechanism of functioning of the Code. The analysis of normative legal acts that regulate implementation of the Code has been determined the aspects leading to the inefficient functioning of the Ethics Code of Pharmacists of Ukraine. Based on the research findings the main problems of introduction and functioning of the Code have been found, and the priority steps for introduction of the Ethics Code of Pharmacists of Ukraine into the practical activity have been identified.


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Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities