The methodological substantiation of social and psychological competences of the professional activity of a pharmacy specialist


  • R. V. Sagaidak-Nіkіtiuk National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • M. I. Garkusha National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



social and psychological competences, professional activity, specialists of pharmacy, system, activity


To substantiate the system of social and psychological competences of the professional activity of a pharmacy specialist the content analysis of the literature sources, expert survey of specialists in pharmacy and their psychoanalysis have been conducted. The essence of “social and psychological competences of the professional activity of pharmacy specialists” was defined based on the logical and semantic analysis of scientific articles and dictionaries. The algorithm of the study regarding determination of the system of social and psychological competences of the professional activity of a pharmacy specialist has been constructed. The components of social and psychological competences of the professional activity of a pharmacy specialist have been proposed.


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Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities