Marketing research of the domestic pharmaceutical market of antihemorrhagict


  • S. A. Kutsenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • V. V. Malyi National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • А. B. Olkhovska National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • Ju. S. Masliy National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



marketing research, pharmaceutical market, antihemorrhagic drugs


The article presents the results of marketing research of the domestic pharmaceutical market by the example of medicines of group B02 – Antihemorrhagic drugs. The analysis of the range of the group of drugs studied and the firm structure of the domestic market has been conducted. It has been found that the deepest range of the group of drugs studied is observed in medicines containing the human coagulation factor IX, and medicines containing tranexamic acid. Countries that export antihemorrhagic drugs to the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market have been determined. The main domestic manufacturers of drugs of the range studied have been also determined. The dynamics of the market capacity and the price situation have been studied; the market positions of antihemorrhagic drugs in Ukraine have been identified. The sources of information for professionals about new drugs of the range studied have been revealed. According to the results of calculations of the liquidity ratio of the price it has been determined that drugs containing aminocaproic acid and drugs containing menandion are the most available.


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research