The study of promotion effectiveness of hepatotropic drugs based on the questionnaire survey of pharmaceutical professionals


  • V. V. Malyi National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • Moussa Istanis Marvek Medhat National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • S. V. Zhadko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



hepatotropic drugs, the study of promotion effectiveness, questionnaire survey


According to the results of the questionnaire survey of pharmacists the effectiveness of marketing activities to promote hepatoprotectors has been analyzed in the article. As the criteria for assessing promotion effectiveness the indicators of priority and spontaneous awareness of pharmacists, the frequency of recommendations and the number of memories of promotion events were used. By the indicators of priority awareness of pharmacists and the number of memories of promotion events Essentiale and Hepabene are the leading medicines; by the total spontaneous awareness indicator Essentiale, Carsil and Hepabene prevail. The promotion profile for some hepatoprotectors has been constructed. It has been shown that visits of medical representatives dominate and are the most memorable for pharmacists among all arsenal of promotion of hepatoprotectors. The analysis of quantitative indicators of promotion effectiveness of hepatoprotectors (the market share in pharmacies and prevalence in various regions of Ukraine) confirms the expediency of the approaches used by the authors.


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research