The methodical and organizational problems of implementation of distance learning in the pharmaceutical education




distance learning, pharmaceutical education, pedagogical experiment, labor intensity of the educational activity


Aim. To generalize and analyze the results of the pedagogical experiment of distance learning implementation at the National University of Pharmacy.

Materials and methods. The system and comparative analysis, the method of pedagogical experiment were used.

Results. On the example of the National University of Pharmacy (Kharkiv) the methodology of the pedagogical experiment of distance learning implementation has been described. A significant number of students (26%) involved in the experiment are unable to adapt to a new form of education. On the other hand, there is a phenomenon associated with high quality of the academic achievement of students who continued to participate in the experiment. The most important methodical problem of implementation of distance learning is the mismatch between the planned educational activity for students (individual tasks and control measures) and the time allotted for the study. It has been proposed to balance these figures by limiting the number of the disciplines studied, as well as the number of topics, individual and control tasks for each credit. It is advisable to provide periodic week-long breaks (after completing 2-3 distance learning courses) in the schedule of the educational process of distance students. Another important organizational problem is the lack of standards of the teaching load in work with distance students, and it reduces the motivation of tutors in supporting distance learning courses.

Conclusions. The results of passing examinations by students who participated in the experiment have proven the effectiveness of distance learning technologies. However, the methodical and organizational problems identified require their solutions.


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