The analysis of modern organizational and economic approaches to functioning of pharmacies in the Republic of Poland




pharmacy, pharmaceutical activity, Republic of Poland, system of pharmaceutical supply of the population, pharmaceutical market


Aim. To analyze modern organizational and economic approaches to functioning of pharmacies in Poland.

Materials and methods. The data from the legislative and regulatory framework governing the pharmaceutical activity in Poland, as well as the data from specialized literature were used. The historical, analytical-comparative, system, logical, mathematical and statistical research methods were applied.

Results. Currently, the system of pharmaceutical provision of the population in Poland is developing in the direction of strengthening the state regulation of availability of pharmaceutical care through the introduction of mechanisms of influence on pricing, drug reimbursement and development of the pharmacy network (geographical, demographic, financial and economic factors of regulation). On average, one pharmacy institution in Poland is per 2600-2767 inhabitants, and it corresponds to the average European indicators for development of a pharmacy chain. It was proven that the retail segment of the market quickly responded to the introduction of new approaches in the reimbursement of drugs in 2012. In 2011, its volume amounted to 28.14 billion zł, and in 2012 it decreased by 2 billion zł (26.50 billion zł). The greatest impact of the reimbursement system reform is the influence on development of the prescription market segment. After the introduction of legislative changes (“Apteka dla aptekarza”), there was a significant decrease in the number of pharmacies from 14838 at the end of December 2017 to 14419 in October 2018 (-2.8%). In 2018, a significant increase in the number of closed pharmacies in rural areas was observed. Thus, during July 2017 – July 2018 out of 352 closed pharmacies – 100 accounted for the countryside. It was found that in 2018 there was a significant prevalence of the number of the licenses revoked over the licenses obtained for activities at the retail pharmaceutical market in Poland.

Conclusions. Problems at the Polish pharmaceutical market must be solved taking into account the increasing demands of society to the effectiveness of pharmaceutical care provided, as well as the socio-economic level of availability of drugs recommended by the WHO.


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Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities