Marketing aspects of the development of veterinary preparations based on peloids and products of their processing




peloids, sapropel, veterinary preparations, feed supplements, premixes, marketing research


The use of peloids and their derivatives in veterinary is based on their low toxicity and a wide range of the pharmacological activity due to the multi-component chemical composition аnd significant resources of this raw material in Ukraine.
Aim. To monitor the range of veterinary preparations based on peloids and products of their processing used in veterinary medicine at the Ukrainian market for further substantiation of the feasibility of developing domestic drugs based on peloids.
Materials and methods. The study used marketing and statistical methods for analyzing electronic sources of information and scientific publications. The study objects were the information about veterinary
preparations developed from pelloids and products of their processing and registered in Ukraine. The catalogs of veterinary drugs, feed supplements, premixes registered in Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the
Republic of Belarus, instructions for their use, electronic catalogs, etc., were studied in depth. The theoretical side of the research was based on scientific publications of domestic and foreign scientists. The empirical base was focused on the analysis of information set forth in the State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine, electronic databases using the information retrieval program “Morion”, the price lists of “Apteka” weekly as of 2018. The logical, system-analytical, structural-functional and comparative methods of analysis were used in the article. Monitoring of the range of products from peloids taking into account the ATC classification system has shown that the pharmaceutical market is represented by drugs belonging to the following groups: M02AH
– other drugs used topically for joint and muscle pain, C05BA – heparin and heparinoids for topical use and C05CX – other capillary-stabilizing drugs.
Results. The analysis of the range of preparations of peloids and their derivatives used in veterinary medicine has shown that most of them are presented by premixes and feed supplements (75 %), veterinary preparations (21 %) and preservatives (4 %). The basis of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is the products of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, and Hungary.
Conclusions. The absence of veterinary preparations based on sapropels at the Ukrainian market, a poor range of feed supplements indicates the need and relevance of the development of veterinary products – sapropel derivatives.


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research