Analysis of the effectiveness of the basic functions by a pharmacy under the conditions of the Good Pharmacy Practice implementation in Ukraine




Good Pharmacy Practice, pharmacy functions, social responsibility of pharmacies, expert survey


Aim. To study the actual effectiveness of pharmacy functions under the conditions of implementing the requirements of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) and outline scientific and practical approaches to solving the existing problems taking into account the increased commercial load on pharmacies and humanistic
trends in society.
Materials and methods. The survey results of 408 experts with “very high” and “high” levels of competence
are presented. Sociological, analytical, graphical methods and the method of generalization were used.
Results. It has been determined that the most important function, according to experts, is trade considering the advantages of the commercial component over the professional one in organizing the modern activity of a pharmacy institution. Regarding the directions of effective implementation of GPP, the following directions prevail: “receiving, storing and dispensing of medicines” – 54.3 % of the respondents and “continuous professional development of specialists” (47.7 %), of whom the financial position of employees largely depends on. It has been found that 79.4 % of experts violate the rules for dispensing prescription medicines. When selling OTC medicines only 42.9 % of the respondents use protocols of a pharmacist. Among the measures regulating the issues of uncontrolled dispensing of medicines to the population the experts state “providing the functioning of insurance medicine” (50.5 %); “strengthening of control over prescribing by doctors” (61.0 %) and “carrying out the information work among the population on prevention
of self-medication and uncontrolled administration of medicines” (47.1 %).
Conclusions. The problems identified on the way of performing the social function by pharmacies require joint efforts of government authorities and civil society organizations. Taking into account the increased commercial load on pharmacies, in the context of enhancing social responsibility to society, one of the approaches is the development and implementation of GPP requirements in pharmacy practice.


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Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities