The theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of the HR marketing concept in pharmacy




personnel management, personnel marketing, pharmacy, labor market, pharmaceutical enterprises


Aim. To generalize the theoretical aspects and mechanisms of marketing concept implementation in personnel management at pharmaceutical enterprises and define the essence and the content of the term “personnel marketing in pharmacy”.

Materials and methods. To achieve this aim, methods of logical-content formation of the problem, desk marketing research and content analysis of the information sources regarding the marketing concept in personnel management were used.

Results. The paper has substantiated the feasibility of applying the marketing approach in managing the personnel of pharmaceutical enterprises. Generalization of theoretical and methodological aspects of the personnel marketing concept has been conducted; the main approaches to its interpretation have been determined. It has been suggested to use the term “personnel marketing in pharmacy” in the sphere of labor management of pharmaceutical companies, the formulations of this term and definition of basic principles, tasks and functions are given. The factors affecting the development of the personnel marketing concept of pharmaceutical organizations have been determined. The role and importance of personnel marketing in regulating the relations between the subjects of the labor market in the field of pharmacy have been shown.

Conclusions. The introduction of the personnel marketing concept as a holistic system in the management of the personnel policy of pharmaceutical enterprises will help to increase the effectiveness of organizations and strengthen their positions in a competitive environment by optimizing staffing.


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Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities