The quality assessment of the pharmacotherapy of patients with tuberculosis / HIV / AIDS co-infection according to the results of ABC / VEN / frequency analysis (research fragment)




co-infection TB / HIV / AIDS, antiretroviral therapy, clinical and economic analysis, frequency analysis, VEN analysis, ABC analysis


TB / HIV / AIDS co-infection is a long-term infectious disease of major medical and social importance associated with widespread, progressive damage to the immune system, risk of opportunistic infections, reduced quality of life for patients, high overall cost of treatment.

Aim. To determine the quality of pharmacotherapy of patients with TB / HIV / AIDS co-infection treated at a health institution (HI) in Mykolayiv according to the results of ABC / VEN / frequency analysis in order to assess the drug therapy compliance with the current standards and optimize costs for the pharmacotherapy of patients.

Materials and methods. The quality of the pharmacotherapy of patients was assessed using ABC, frequency and “formal” VEN-analyzes.

Results. Using the “formal” VEN analysis it was determined that most of the drugs prescribed were classified as vital since they were present in both medical and technological documents: State Formulary of Ukraine (SFU) of the 8th and 9th editions (75-83.3 % of drugs) and the current clinical protocol “Tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS” (88.9 % of drugs). According to the results of frequency analysis, leaders by prescription correspond to the main directions of treatment of patients with TB/HIV/AIDS co-infection. According to the results of ABC analysis, correction of the pharmacotherapy of patients is needed: the replacement of the high-cost original drug Atripla, which cost was 45.1 % of all funds for the treatment of patients, with its cheap generic analog to save public funds for the pharmacotherapy of patients.

Conclusions. The basic directions of the pharmacotherapy of patients with TB/HIV/AIDS co-infection in the HI of Mykolayiv correspond to the current clinical protocol for providing medical care to patients at the time of the study. The most prescriptions consist of drugs recommended by the clinical protocol and are available in the SPhU. In general, the pharmacotherapy of patients with TB / HIV / AIDS co-infection in the HI of Mykolayiv can be considered as rational from the clinical point of view. However, it has been also found that few patients (23 %) with co-morbidities received the appropriate treatment.


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Health organization