A comparative analysis of the pharmaceutical market of anthelmintic drugs over time





market analysis, range, anthelmintic drugs


Aim. To conduct a comparative analysis of the nomenclature of drugs belonging to the group of anthelmintic drugs, identify possible changes and monitor the market dynamics.

Materials and methods. Scientific publications, electronic databases of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the own research, as well as methods of generalization, systematization of theoretical and practical material, semantic, marketing and system analysis were used.

Results. The dynamics of the development of the anthelmintic drug market based on the data of the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine in 2017 and 2020 has been analyzed. Changes in the total number of names of drugs, their ratio by origin, active substances and a dosage form have been determined. Thus, during the study period the nomenclature of the group increased by 29.16 %. The most drugs contain albendazole and pyrantel as an active ingredient, while praziquantel-based drugs are not yet available. The number of offers from manufacturers of Ukraine has increased, but the total volume of foreign drugs continues to prevail.

Conclusions. The results of the comparative analysis of the range of anthelmintic drugs in 2017 and 2020 suggest that the need of the population of Ukraine for the latest domestic medicines with the anthelmintic activity and combined composition remains unsatisfied. Therefore, it is advisable to develop and introduce a number of agents for the treatment of helminthiasis of the digestive system, especially with a combination of several active substances.


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research