Analysis of the assortment and economic affordability of noоtropic drugs





Aim. To analyze the range and assess the economic availability of nootropic drugs at the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market in 2018.

Materials and methods. The study object was information about nootropic drugs available at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine in 2018 based on the data of the “PharmXplorer” analytical system of the information retrieval company “Morion”. The study included drugs used for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases from the N06B X pharmacotherapeutic group (according to the ATC classification) – “Other psychostimulative and nootropic drugs”. An indicator of the adequacy of solvency (Ca.s.) was calculated using the data taken on the prices of drugs and the average level of wages for 2018.

Results. At the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market in 2018 a wide range of nootropic drugs was presented. The range of retail prices per drug pack was significant, indicating the possibility of a doctor and a patient to choose the drug taking into account its efficacy, safety and affordability. Most trade names of nootropics (52 %) were registered as oral dosage forms, being compliant for patients with chronic cerebral circulatory disorders. 48 % were injectable and infusion drugs, which were topical for acute ischemic attack.

Conclusions. It was found that in 2018 drugs containing piracetam, vinpocetine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and its derivatives, most drugs based Phenibut (84.6 % of TN) and citicoline (68 % of TN) were highly available to the consumer. Most of the injectable dosage forms of nootropics based on hydrolyzates and tissue derivatives were readily available (50 % of TH) for the average consumer in Ukraine. Considering a fairly wide range of nootropic drugs and the economic availability of most of them the principle of superiority of clinical efficacy, safety and affordability should be the basis for creating and developing new nootropic drugs.

Key words: nootropic drugs; assortment; economic affordability; Ukrainian pharmaceutical market.


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How to Cite

Mishchenko, O. Y., Palagina, N. Y., Khaleeva, O. L., & Greshko, Y. I. (2021). Analysis of the assortment and economic affordability of noоtropic drugs: uk . Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 7(1), 80–86.



Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research