The study of the theoretical approaches to the event management in order to form the brand of a higher education institution




event; institution of higher education; management; marketing; image


Aim. To study the features of the events held by the institution of higher education and their impact on the formation of a positive image of the institution.

Materials and methods. The following research methods were applied: theoretical (analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and normative sources, generalization, classification, analytical, comparative and logical), empirical (description, comparison). The scientific data and normative documents concerning events and the system of branding formation of a higher education institution were used.

Results. The study of scientific papers on the event management and event marketing has been conducted. The meaning of the concept of “event” has been defined. The goals and objectives of events held in the educational space have been formulated. The types of events have been studied. The main types, content and examples of events that are advisable to hold in a higher education institution are given: informational, scientific, festive, socio-cultural, image-making. Such criteria for classification of events as openness of events, the number of the audience involved, types of the tasks performed, goals of the event, the audience involved and directions of work of a higher education institution have been proposed. The principles of a “successful event” of a higher education institution have been defined. The stages of organizing events of a higher education institution have been proposed. The expediency of conducting a survey after the event has been determined in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the event, form the purpose of attending the event by different participants, improve the quality of events and determine the impact on the image of the institution.

Conclusions. The stages of the event management in higher education institutions have been suggested. The meaning of events has been defined; their objectives, tasks and classification, have been determined. The principles of the event organization, factors that determine the effectiveness of events and the advantages of events as marketing communication tools have been formed.


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How to Cite

Kotvitska, A. A. ., & Yakovlieva, O. Y. (2021). The study of the theoretical approaches to the event management in order to form the brand of a higher education institution. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 7(2), 4–9.



Social medicine and pharmacy: past, present and development prospects