Substantiation of the methodological approach to the complex use of economic and marketing components when forming the added value of rabeprazole




pharmaceutical market; drug; structure of added value; added value, price; income; calculation of cost price; marketing approcah; economic approach; cost management; drugs manufacturing


Aim. To substantiate the methodological approach and work out the method for determining economic and marketing components of the cost price, the price and the added value of the drug on the example of Rabeprazole.

Materials and methods. Scientific publications, reports of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and Centre for Medical Statistics of the MHU, reports and calculations of the cost price of pharmaceutical manufacturers, our own research, as well as methods of systematic, comparative, content-analysis, economic and marketing analysis were used as materials.

Results. The stages of work have been summarized, and the algorithm for determining the basic indicators required for manufacturing of drugs has been formed. An extended scheme of calculation of the cost price of products based on the economic approach has been developed; the formation of retail and wholesale price and determination of the wholesale sale value of the drug on the basis of the marketing approach have been studied. The method for determining the basic economic indicators according to the market economic approach, calculation of the added value tax, income and profitability has been worked out on the example of rabeprazole. The distribution of the added value among the subjects of drug promotion and the structure of the added value of the manufacturer have been estimated.

Conclusions. The expediency and the necessity of using economic and marketing approaches of the cost management has been substantiated. The cost price and the formation of price for a drug has been calculated, and themethodological approach has been suggested. To assess the total market economic approach as to the determination of the cost price and the price of drug, a graphic scheme of economic and marketing approaches for determining the cost price and the price of drug (progressive retrograde calculation) has been developed. On the example of rabeprazole tablets (0.01 g) the method for determining the cost price, the price, the income and the added value of a drug manufacturer, wholesaler and pharmacy has been studied. The structure of the added value of the drug manufacturer has been characterized.


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How to Cite

Slobodyanyuk, M. M. ., Samborskyi, O. S. ., Rohulia, O. Y. ., & Baygush, Y. B. (2021). Substantiation of the methodological approach to the complex use of economic and marketing components when forming the added value of rabeprazole. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 7(2), 34–46.



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities