The study of opinions of healthcare professionals on the role and functions of pharmaceutical workers in the modern system of palliative care for children




фармацевтичний фахівець; фармацевтична допомога; паліативна допомога; паліативний пацієнт


Aim. To study opinions of healthcare professionals on the role and functions of pharmaceutical workers in the modern system of palliative care for children and identify the most important and promising areas of partnership with other providers of palliative care.
Materials and methods. The sociological, statistical,  quantitative expert-analytical methods were used in the study. The study was conducted during 2018-2020.
Results. According to the results of the analysis of the opinions of experts –employees of specialized healthcare institutions, the average level of agreement on the role and functions of pharmaceutical specialists in providing palliative services has been determined. In addition, the directions for cooperation of pharmacy specialists with other healthcare professionals in the context of palliative services have been identified. As promising areas of partnership we have identified: providing the availability of medicines, special food, medical devices; managing potential and actual problems of pharmacotherapy; informing medical specialists, patients / caregivers about the rational use of medicines, etc.
Conclusions. The palliative care providers who presented the expert group have noted the expediency and necessity of participation of pharmaceutical specialists in the work of the multidisciplinary palliative care team and focused on the importance of organizing unimpeded provision of pharmaceutical care to palliative care patients.


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How to Cite

Kubareva І. V. ., Beketova, M. S., & Blagun, O. D. (2021). The study of opinions of healthcare professionals on the role and functions of pharmaceutical workers in the modern system of palliative care for children. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 7(3), 12–20.



Social medicine and pharmacy: past, present and development prospects