Overview of the range of medicinal extracts at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine





medicinal extracts; range of extracts; pharmaceutical market of Ukraine


Aim. To study the range of medicinal extracts at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine as of 2020 in order to determine the feasibility of developing a new medicinal product based on them.
Materials and methods. The bibliosemantic, analytical, logical research methods were used to analyze the literature sources; the analytical analysis was applied to study the segment of the domestic pharmaceutical market regarding the range of medicinal extracts as of 2020. Thus, their composition, distribution by the aggregate state, forms of production and country of origin, harmonization with the Ph. Eur. were analyzed.
Results. It has been determined that the domestic pharmaceutical market has 18 extracts, all of them are liquid. Among all extracts registered in Ukraine the leading place (16 items) belongs to the Ukrainian manufacturers. The nomenclature of imported drugs consists of 1 extract of Vietnamese and 1 of Swiss production. Among the Ukrainian manufacturers, the largest market segment belongs to PJSC “Lubnipharm” ‒ 4 drugs; “Rotokan” is available in 55 and 110 ml bottles, while “Aloe extract”, solution for injection, 1 ml, No. 10, in ampoules is produced by PJSC “Lubnipharm” and CJSC “Darnytsia”; “Eleutherococcus extract”, 50 ml, in a bottle ‒ by LLC “Unipharma” (“Ternopharm”) and agricultural firm “Yan”. There are 19 drugs with extracts at the domestic pharmaceutical market; among them the largest market segment is occupied by drugs in the form of tablets and capsules (7 items), 2 oral solutions, 1 drug in the form of oral drops, 1 syrup and powder for oral solution. Most drugs containing extracts are made by the Ukrainian manufacturers (about 47 %), while manufacturers from Germany, France and Switzerland supply 2 drugs each, Spain, Bulgaria, Slovenia and the Czech Republic ‒ 1 drug each.
Conclusions. There are 18 extracts and 19 preparations with extracts at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. Most of the drugs in this sample are hypnotics and sedatives (55 %), as well as drugs used in diseases of the liver and biliary tract, they improve digestion and the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract.


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How to Cite

Matsiuk, O., Vyshnevska, L. I., & Buhai, A. V. (2021). Overview of the range of medicinal extracts at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 7(3), 31–40. https://doi.org/10.24959/sphhcj.21.231



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