The concept of implementation of specifications on cosmetic products in Ukraine




cosmetic products; technical regulation; specifications on cosmetic products; cosmetic market


Aim. To develop the сoncept of implementation of specifications on cosmetic products in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. As research materials the processes of technical regulation of cosmetic products were studied, logical, research methods, as well as the method of content analysis were used.
Results. The analysis of the practice of regulating the turnover of cosmetic products was performed; it allowed identifying potential risks in the process of implementing specifications on cosmetic products in Ukraine. Based on the results of the systematization of the impact factors on implementation of the normative legal act the model of its implementation plan was developed, and the main procedures for applying the general provisions of the document were described.
Conclusions. Taking into account the problems of implementation of specifications on cosmetic products the concept of implementation regulating the rules of the turnover of cosmetic products at the Ukrainian consumer market has been proposed.


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How to Cite

Kazakova, I. S., Kovalenko, S. M., Lebedynets, V. O., Kazakova, V. S., & Tkachenko, O. V. (2021). The concept of implementation of specifications on cosmetic products in Ukraine. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 7(3), 41–52.



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