The analysis of the pharmaceutical supply with medicines used in insect allergy therapy and approaches to the development of new medicines in the form of a gel for the local treatment




local allergic reactions; insect allergy; gel dosage form; local treatment


According to the World Allergy Organization, allergies occur in 10 % to 40 % of the world’s population. Currently, the number of such patients in Europe is about 150 million people. It is projected that in the next decade there will be more than 250 million people, 5 % of whom have a predisposition to insect allergies (IA).
Aim. To analyze the range of drugs used in the local treatment of IA and approaches to the development of new domestic drugs in the form of a gel.
Materials and methods. The scientific publications of domestic and foreign authors, data from official sites on the subject, ICD-10, materials of the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, directory Compendium, Protocol for medical care for insect allergies, as well as methods of the system analysis, comparison, graphical, analytical and the content analysis were used.
Results. The regimen of IA treatment has been studied depending on the severity (mild, moderate, severe, anaphylactic shock), which is given in the Protocol of medical care for insect allergies in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine from 03.07.2006 No.432. It is considered that IA is treated with the subgroup “D04A A – Antihistamines for topical application”, which has only 5 drugs (including release forms); among them 80 % of medicines are foreign, 60 % are produced in the form of a gel. It is very insufficient because of the fact that there are consequences of insect bites during the local therapy of children since constant scratching of the bite sites is a threat of infection of wounds and delay their healing.
Conclusions. On the example of the pharmaceutical composition in the form of a gel, the expediency for developing new domestic drugs that are available compared to foreign ones for the local therapy in IA, and manifestations of allergic reactions to insect bites has been proven.


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How to Cite

Popova, T. V., Nemchenko, A. S., & Kukhtenko, H. P. (2021). The analysis of the pharmaceutical supply with medicines used in insect allergy therapy and approaches to the development of new medicines in the form of a gel for the local treatment. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 7(3).



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities