The marketing study of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine in the segment of antihemorrhagic agents to stop dental bleeding




Ukrainian pharmaceutical market; dental bleeding; antihemorrhagic agents; marketing research.


Aim. To conduct the marketing research of the Ukrainian market in the segment of antihemorrhagic agents used in dentistry.
Materials and methods. The study was performed using the structural analysis, logical and graphical methods, marketing analysis methods.
Results. The state of the Ukrainian market of drugs of this group has been determined. The market structure has been revealed in the number of names, brands, in forms of production, manufacturers, composition. Despite the sufficient number of registered drugs at the market (26 positions), a rather small arsenal  of active substances (4) and dosage forms (3) can be observed. The market is characterized by a limited amount of drugs with a certain pharmacodynamics combining a rapid hemostatic effect, safety in use, the ability to suppress bacterial flora, and without the effect on healthy tissues. However, a positive moment should be noted: by the structure of manufacturer countries the market remains domestic (60 : 40).
Conclusions. The Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is characterized by a sufficient assortment of hemostatic agents, but the use of these drugs in dentistry has its limitations. Dental doctors have certain problems with the occurrence of capillary bleeding and require a sufficient amount of effective and fastacting drugs for local application. Therefore, the search and creation of new drugs with a similar action at this stage remains a relevant scientific issue.


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research