The study of the effect of adherence with modern recommendations on antihypertensive therapy on compliance of patients with arterial hypertension




Сompliance; arterial hypertension; antihypertensive therapy; fixed dose combinations.


Aim. To study the relationship between the adherence with modern recommendations on antihypertensive therapy using fixed combinations of drugs in a “single” tablet with patients’ compliance and suggest ways to improve compliance in patients with hypertension based on the data obtained. 

Materials and methods. Compliance of patients was assessed using the compliance scale of Hill-Bone arterial hypertension therapy; the nature of the antihypertensive therapy received was analyzed.

Results. Compliance of hypertensive patients was 63.64 %. No patients with low compliance and no compliance at all were found among the patients examined. Female patients had 1.32 times more compliance for treating hypertension than male patients. At the same time, only 36.11 % of patients received a fixed combination of drugs in a “single” tablet. It was found that in patients receiving monotherapy with an antihypertensive drug, compliance was 60 %; in patients receiving combination therapy with several drugs compliance was 68.75 %, while compliance of patients receiving fixed combinations of antihypertensives was 71.43 %.

Conclusions. The results obtained indicate a relatively low level of compliance in patients with hypertension. Also, against the background of insufficient adherence with current recommendations on antihypertensive therapy, a significantly higher compliance of patients treated with fixed combinations of antihypertensive drugs in a “single” tablet has been determined.


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How to Cite

Kireyev, I. V. ., & Zhabotynska, N. V. . (2022). The study of the effect of adherence with modern recommendations on antihypertensive therapy on compliance of patients with arterial hypertension. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(1), 27–33.



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