Marketing research of the market power of cetirizine antihistamines




Рharmaceutical market; market power of drugs; complex of consumer and market indicators; brands; trade marks; Cetirizine; consumer advantages; consumption, drugs.


Aim. To study and assess the components of the trademark complex, as well as to determine the market power of anti-allergic drugs on the example of Cetirizine.

Materials and methods. Scientific publications, reports of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and the Center for Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the results of monitoring the retail pharmaceutical market of the “Pharmastandard” system of the “Morion” company, the results of the own research, as well as methods of content and marketing analysis, statistical processing were used as materials.

Results. The necessity of further development and deepening of studies of the components of the complex of trademarks (TM) of drugs, changes of market positions of drugs within TM and its highest brand level has been substantiated. It has been recommended to include the notion of “confidence” to the manufacturer and a specific drug to the qualitative consumer characteristics; this notion acts as an indicator of the future strengthening of the drug market positions. On the example of ten drugs of Cetirizine, the assessment of consumer and market indicators of market power of ten drugs based on Cetirizen has been done using a questionnaire survey. A scale of values of the characteristics of the market positions of the TM Cetirizine complex has been developed, and the state of TM and brands at five levels of each has been assessed. The distribution of ten drugs of Cetirizine has been done in the conventional competitive environment using the marketing map. Ten areas of market positions of the TM complex and brands have been identified. The assessment of individual components of TM, which characterize the market power of Cetirizine antiallergic drugs has been performed.

Conclusions. Consumer and market indicators of the market power of drugs based on Cetirizine have been characterized. It has been recommended to include the notion of “confidence” to the manufacturer and a specific drug to the consumer characteristics of the TM complex. Based on the questionnaire survey of respondents, single and generalized indicators of ten drugs of Cetirizine have been determined, their levels have been calculated, and a scale of values of the market power characteristics of the TM drug complex has been developed. The state of TM and brands of Cetirizine drugs have been assessed by five levels ranging from absence to a very strong market position. The levels of TM of Cetirizine drugs have been assessed using the scale of values. By using the marketing map the TM distribution of ten drugs of Cetirizine has been done in the competitive market environment, and the areas of market positions have been identified. The components of the TM complex that characterize the market power of drugs based on Cetirizine have been assessed.


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How to Cite

Samborskyi, O. S. ., Slobodyanyuk, M. M. ., Rohulia, O. Y. ., & Baygush, Y. V. . (2022). Marketing research of the market power of cetirizine antihistamines . Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(1), 63–74.



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities