Marketing analysis of the domestic pharmaceutical market of antiherpetic medicines




Herpes infection; marketing research; pharmaceutical market; antiviral medicines.


Aim. To conduct the marketing research of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine in the segment of medicinal products (MP) used for the treatment and prevention of infections caused by HSV-1 and HSV-2.

Materials and methods. To achieve this aim, methods of logical and meaningful problem formation, desk marketing research, content analysis of publications in scientific and practice-oriented medical and pharmaceutical literature, comparative analysis were used.

Results. The paper presents the results of the marketing analysis of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market of antiherpetic MP. For the study, according to the ATC classification, 5 groups of medicines registered at the domestic market were selected. In the drug package leaflets for these medicines herpes infection was one of the indications for use. As of October 1, 2021, the range of antiherpetic MP includes 194 trade names for systemic and local use. The market segmentation of these groups of medicines by manufacturing countries, drug form, conditions of dispensing, origin and composition was carried out. It has been found that the share of herbal medicinal products is 14.43 % (6 positions) and is represented by products for systemic use.

Conclusions. The research of the market of antiherpetic medicines conducted can be considered as the basis for the search and development of new effective antiviral herbal medicinal products of domestic production for the local treatment of the herpes virus.


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How to Cite

Herbina, N. A., Babicheva, G. S. ., Malinina, N. G. ., Chehrynets, A. A. ., & Boiko, A. V. . (2022). Marketing analysis of the domestic pharmaceutical market of antiherpetic medicines. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(1), 75–82.



Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research