The study of modern aspects of determining the costs of self-monitoring of diabetes mellitus




retail price; diabetes; costs; self-monitoring


Aim. To study modern aspects of determining the costs of self-monitoring of diabetes mellitus.
Materials and methods. When conducting the analysis the research objects were recommendations and regulations documents regarding the provision of medical care to diabetes patients (orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, domestic and international clinical guidelines, recommendations of international organizations) and information on retail prices of glucometers and test strips in pharmacies of Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro and Kharkiv (80 pharmacies) as of 10.01.2022. In the course of the research the content analysis, methods of grouping and summarizing data, mathematical and marketing analysis methods were applied.
Results. Based on the generalization of these international recommendations and legal acts on the provision of medical care to patients with diabetes mellitus, 4 scenarios were identified regarding the number of measurements for self-monitoring. It was determined that foreign manufacturers formed the main range of glucometers for diabetes self-monitoring at the retail pharmaceutical market. The need for self-monitoring of diabetes mellitus per year was determined based on qualitative and quantitative indicators, depending on the type of diabetes mellitus and approaches to pharmacotherapy, taking into account
domestic and international recommendations. It was found that the highest costs for test strips per year were observed for self-monitoring of Type І diabetes (5,986.0-15,622.0 UAH), and insignificant for Type ІІ diabetes with diet therapy (213.2 to 556.4 UAH). In addition, the following costs of self-monitoring (glucometer + test strips) for 1 year were found: for Type І diabetes (insulin therapy) – UAH 6,318.0-15,997.0, for Type ІІ diabetes (insulin therapy) – UAH 4,821.5-12,091.5, Type ІІ diabetes (oral hypoglycemic therapy) – UAH 2,464.0-5,939.0, Type ІІ diabetes (diet therapy) – from UAH 545.2 to UAH 1,165.6.
Conclusions. Based on the analysis conducted, it has been determined that in Ukraine it is appropriate to develop measures to introduce reimbursement of costs for self-monitoring devices, namely glucometers and test strips for all categories of patients. This will help to encourage patients to conduct self-monitoring and, as a result, will become a significant factor in preventing the development of diabetes complications.
Key words: retail price; diabetes; costs; self-monitoring.


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How to Cite

Vlasenko, I. O., Kubarieva, I. V., Davtian, L. L., & Korzh, I. V. (2022). The study of modern aspects of determining the costs of self-monitoring of diabetes mellitus. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(2), 19–27.



Health organization