The influence of the choice of physical rehabilitation methods on the correction of arterial hypertension




physical rehabilitation; arterial hypertension; arterial pressure; aerobic exercise; resistance exercises


Aim. To study the effect of physical rehabilitation on the correction of arterial hypertension (AH) in patients before starting pharmacotherapy with increased blood pressure (BP), determine the most effective type of physical activity to reduce BP, and identify the effectiveness of physical training depending on the initial level of BP.
Materials and methods. Patients were evaluated for the effect of physical therapy on the correction of AH. The data analysis was performed using statistical methods.
Results. It was found that all patients with AH had a decrease in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) after completing the physical rehabilitation program. It was possible to achieve the target level of BP and high normal BP in 37.92 % of patients. The most pronounced decrease in both SBP and DBP was in patients performing aerobic exercise. There was an increase in BP within the physiological norm in some patients in 30 minutes after performing aerobic exercises in combination with resistance exercises. Patients with a lower initial BP level had a less significant decrease after performing
physical rehabilitation programs.
Conclusions. The data obtained suggest the need to recommend physical rehabilitation for patients with AH of varying degrees of stage 1 with a low cardiovascular risk. Preference should be given to aerobic exercises and careful control of changes in BP in 30 minutes after training to minimize the negative impact of high BP on the patients.
Key words: physical rehabilitation; arterial hypertension; arterial pressure; aerobic exercise; resistance


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