Monitoring of the psychosocial climate state in the personnel management system of a pharmacy institution




psychosocial climate; pharmacy; workforce; monitoring; management


Aim. To develop a program for monitoring the psychosocial climate state in the personnel management system of a pharmacy institution.
Materials and methods. The study used the methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis, content analysis and questionnaires. The state of the psychosocial climate in the pharmacy was determined using a diagnostic questionnaire of the psychosocial climate in the group. Assessments of the emotional, cognitive and behavioral components of the psychosocial climate in the pharmacy workforce were ranged from -1 to +1. The psychometric test of C. E. Seashore was used to assess group cohesion. 571 People from 167 pharmacies took part in the survey. According to the validation results, the representative sample is 563 pharmacists. The study covered all regions of Ukraine: Kharkiv (23.1 % of respondents), Poltava (17.4 % of respondents), Vinnytsia (4.9 % of respondents), Sumy (14.2 % of respondents), Zaporizhzhya (13.3 % of respondents), Ternopil (5.6 % of respondents), Zhytomyr (3.9 % of respondents), Rivne (7.1 % of respondents), Lviv (5.7 % of respondents), Ivano-Frankivsk (2.9 % of respondents) and Khmelnytskyi (1.9 % of respondents) regions of Ukraine. 92.7 % of respondents have a higher education, 7.3 % have a professional pre-higher education. According to their work experience, respondents are divided as follows: up to 1 year – 5.4 % of respondents, from 1 year to 5 years – 13.9 % of respondents, from 5 to 10 years – 18.3 %
of respondents, from 10 to 20 years – 35.5 % of respondents, over 20 years – 26.9 % of respondents.
Results. The necessity of managing the psychosocial climate in a pharmacy workforce and its monitoring has been proven. The essence of the psychosocial climate state of a pharmacy institution has been determined. The system for monitoring the state of the psychosocial climate in the workforce of a pharmacy has been proposed, namely: the monitoring object; the subject of monitoring; monitoring functions; monitoring indicators; control of the work of the pharmacy staff. The functions of monitoring the state of the psychosocial climate in a pharmacy workforce include analytical, diagnostic, predictive and organizational
and managerial functions.
Conclusions. The relevance and necessity of managing the psychosocial climate in a pharmacy workforce has been determined. The stages of monitoring the psychosocial climate state in a pharmacy workforce have been proposed.
Key words: psychosocial climate; pharmacy; workforce; monitoring; management.


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How to Cite

Andriienko, N. V., & Sahaidak-Nikitiuk, R. V. (2022). Monitoring of the psychosocial climate state in the personnel management system of a pharmacy institution. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(2), 35–43.



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities