Analysis of the range of metformin hydrochloride medicines for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus




market analysis; type II diabetes mellitus; metformin hydrochloride; assortment


Aim. To analyze the range of metformin hydrochloride medicines registered at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus.
Materials and methods. When conducting the analysis the data of the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, namely, reference resources, in particular the Compendium drug reference book, unified clinical protocols for the treatment of type II diabetes in adults, were used as research materials. In the course of the study, documentary, analytical, mathematical-statistical and logical data generalization methods were used. Graphical and tabular methods with explanations and conclusions were used to visually present the research results. The analysis of the structure of the assortment of metformin hydrochloride medicines was
carried out taking into account trade names of the drugs, countries producing these drugs, dosage forms and the composition of the drugs.
Results. According to the results of the study, the ratio of metformin hydrochloride medicines of domestic and foreign production has been found. It has been determined that 65 % of the total range consists of foreign-made drugs, mainly from India (37 %) and France (15 %). When studying the structure of the assortment of metformin hydrochloride medicines of domestic production, 6 manufacturers have been identified; among them 40 % of the domestic assortment is manufactured by Farmak JSC. In addition, the list of metformin hydrochloride medicines made by domestic manufacturers from in bulk tablets of foreign (mainly Indian) production has been detailed. It has been found that all metformin hydrochloride medicines
are available in the form of solid dosage forms, mainly in the form of coated tablets (75 % of the total amount of drugs), in three doses.
Conclusions. Based on the analysis, it has been found that more than 160 metformin hydrochloride medicines are registered in Ukraine; the vast majority of them are of foreign production. It has been determined that most domestic manufacturers produce metformin hydrochloride medicines from foreign-made tablets in bulk.
Key words: market analysis; type II diabetes mellitus; metformin hydrochloride; assortment.


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How to Cite

Podolsky, I. M., Vladymyrova, I. M., Volkova, A. V., Lytkin, D. V., & Ryshchenko О. О. (2022). Analysis of the range of metformin hydrochloride medicines for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(2), 67–73.



Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research