The analysis of the main trends in the development of the market of pressurized drugs in pharmaceutical and veterinary practice




marketing research; pressurized drugs; pharmaceutical market; skin foams; aerosols.


Aim. Analysis and systematization of the main market trends development in pressurized pharmaceutical preparations in pharmaceutical and veterinary practice.

Materials and methods. Methods of systematic approach, bibliographic methods, information retrieval, analysis, comparison and generalization, statistical processing, tabular and graphic means of visual presentation of the obtained data were used during the market research.  The analysis of registered in Ukraine pressurized pharmaceutical preparations was carried out based on the data of the State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine, “Morion” information search program, the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification of electronic resource and the list of registered veterinary medicinal products.

Research results. The paper presents the results of the marketing analysis of the Ukraine pharmaceutical market of pressurized pharmaceutical preparations for medical and veterinary practice. As of April 2022, the total number of registered medicinal products is 65 names, of which 58 (89,23%) are for medical purposes and 7 (10,77%) for veterinary purposes. The studied drugs in the form of aerosols are represented by 8 anatomical groups for use in medicine and 3 anatomical groups for veterinary practice. The market segmentation of these drug groups was carried out in accordance with the classification of ATC, by active substance, producing countries, type of propellant and field of purpose. It was determined that the share of aerosols for inhalation (Antiasthmatics) is 53.85%, aerosols for use in the oral cavity - 15.38%, aerosols for local use - 12.3%.

Conclusions. The analysis of the Ukraine pharmaceutical market in pressurised pharmaceutical preparations segment shows an increase in domestic market of pharmaceuticals not only in number of products, but also in medical indications of pharmaceuticals and veterinary drugs. The modern production facilities and the modern technologies of development for the production of metered aerosols remains an important factor in the market growth. A promising direction is the creation of foam drugs in the form of aerosols for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases, intrauterine infections and dermatological lesions.



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How to Cite

Saliy О. О. ., Popova, M. E. ., Tarasenko, H. V. ., & Yarovenko , V. S. (2022). The analysis of the main trends in the development of the market of pressurized drugs in pharmaceutical and veterinary practice. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(3), 60–70.



Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research