Modern approaches to teaching the academic discipline of students’ choice “Fundamentals of quantitative calculations in pharmacy”




fundamentals of quantitative calculations in pharmacy; teaching methods; stoichiometric laws of chemistry; mathematical methods.


Aim. To show the relevance of teaching the academic discipline of students’ choice “Fundamentals of Quantitative Calculations in Pharmacy” at the National University of Pharmacy.

Materials and methods. Analytical, systematic, logical teaching methods, as well as scientific publications of Ukrainian and foreign authors were used.

Results. The relevance of teaching the academic discipline of students’ choice “Fundamentals of Quantitative Calculations in Pharmacy” at the Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, NUPh (Kharkiv) is considered. The structure of the educational process is presented, and the peculiarities of teaching the discipline have been analyzed. The relevance of knowledge of basic algorithms of chemical calculations underlying the practical tasks of a modern pharmacist and the formation of a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities on theoretical foundations and practical application of stoichiometric laws in chemistry to solve practical calculation problems is shown.

Conclusions. The interest of higher education students in the selective discipline and high results of modular knowledge tests have proven good mastery of the basic algorithms of chemical calculations, which are the basis of the special practical tasks of a modern pharmacist and a future scientist. As a result of studying the academic discipline, students learn to solve typical and complicated specialized tasks, critically comprehend the results obtained, solve practical problems of professional pharmaceutical and/or research and innovation activities using the provisions, theories and methods of fundamental, chemical, technological, biomedical and socio-economic sciences; integrate knowledge and solve applied problems, formulate judgments with insufficient or limited information; clearly and unambiguously communicate the own knowledge, conclusions and their validity to the audience.


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How to Cite

Golik, M. Y. ., Levitin, Y. Y. ., Kryskiv, O. S. ., Koval, A. O. ., Antonenko, O. V. ., & Kovalska, O. V. . (2022). Modern approaches to teaching the academic discipline of students’ choice “Fundamentals of quantitative calculations in pharmacy”. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(3), 13–19.



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