Analysis of modern approaches to cardiorehabilitation of patients with the acute coronary syndrome




acute coronary syndrome; cardiorehabilitation; physical exercises.


Aim. To study modern approaches to cardiorehabilitation of patients with the acute coronary syndrome based on foreign and national scientific publications and recommendations.

Materials and methods. The analysis of foreign and national scientific literature sources was performed, during which the system-analytical, comparative, logical methods and the method of generalization of information were used.

Results. When analyzing foreign and national scientific literature it has been found that cardiorehabilitation is an important component of the treatment process of patients with the acute coronary syndrome. The basis of the cardiorehabilitation program is regular physical activity and training. The exercise program is developed on an individual basis and includes a combination of strength training and aerobic endurance training. Most recommendations prefer aerobic exercise, which includes walking, jogging, cycling, and so on. The exercises proposed by different researchers differed in frequency, intensity, type, and time. When evaluating the effectiveness of cardiorehabilitation programs, researchers note a positive effect of exercise on the condition of patients, and the study of long-term results indicates a significant reduction in the risk of hospitalization for cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality. Many researchers have noted low adherence of patients to long-term cardiorehabilitation affecting the prognosis of the disease and quality of life.

Conclusions. According to current recommendations, multidisciplinary exercise-based cardiorehabilitation is indicated for patients with the acute coronary syndrome. In many countries around the world, the basis of the exercise program is aerobic exercise. Differences in exercise performance relate to frequency, intensity, time and type. The studies on the effectiveness of cardiorehabilitation programs have shown a significant reduction in the risk of hospitalization from cardiovascular events, cardiovascular mortality. Low adherence of patients to long-term physical rehabilitation affects the effectiveness of treatment, prognosis and quality of life of patients.


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