Aspects of the retinoid use in the pharmaceutical practice


  • O. V. Shtrimaitis Municipal Institution of Higher Education «Rivne Medical Academy» of Rivne Region Council, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. S. Kukhtenko National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine



retinoids; adapalene; tazarotene; local action; acne; psoriasis.


Aim. To analyze the use of retinoids in the pharmaceutical practice of Ukraine and the world and determine the prospects for the development of domestic medicinal products containing retinoids.

Materials and methods. The study objects were local and systemic medicines containing active substances belonging to retinoids by their composition (adapalen, tazarotene, tretinoin, acitretin, isotretinoin, etc.). For the analysis of the recent research and publications the methods of scientific analysis were used; they contributed to the comparison, analysis, generalization and systematization of literature data. To achieve the goal, generally accepted research methods were used; they contributed to an objective assessment of the analysis of the pharmaceutical market.

Results. Based on the results of the studies conducted, a brief description and classification by generations of the group of active substances belonging to retinoids is given. The list of diseases for which these substances are used in world therapeutic practice has been determined. Data regarding the need to use modern techniques to preserve the therapeutic properties of retinoids have been obtained. The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine has been studied for the presence of medicinal products containing retinoids (6 products of local action out of the range of only 9 products). Dosage forms (gels and lotions) for the treatment of dermatological diseases in Ukraine have been identified. It has been found that adapalene has a greater share of medicines at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine as local agents.

Conclusions. The studies have shown the absence of domestic medicinal products containing retinoids for the treatment of a number of dermatological diseases at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. Based on the research results, the relevance of further studies on the development of retinoid-containing products for use as local therapy has been determined.


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How to Cite

Shtrimaitis, O. V. ., & Kukhtenko, O. S. . (2022). Aspects of the retinoid use in the pharmaceutical practice. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(3), 53–59.



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities