The ABС-analysis of the consumption of antihistaminic drugs




Aim. To analyze the demand and consumption of antihistaminic drugs (AHD) at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine on the example of one of the pharmacies in Vinnytsia.

Materials and methods. A pharmacy in Vinnytsia, nomenclature of AHD, retail prices for AHD of the pharmacy under research were studied. The methods of survey, statistical, comparative, as well as ABC analysis were used.

Results. As a result of the study, the demand and consumption of AHD were analyzed on the example of one of the pharmacies in Vinnytsia for the period February-April 2021 using the ABC analysis. Nixar, Cetrine 20, L-cet, Dexamethasone, Cetrilev, Aerius, Cetrine 30 were the leading drugs in sales and accounted for 80 % of the total turnover. The total revenue of these funds was UAH 8218,68. Group B included Loratidine, Allerzin, Ergocetal, Claritin, which accounted for 15 % of the total amount of sales. The total revenue of these funds was UAH 1660,18. Such drugs as Cetirizine-TEVA, Suprastin, Allergosan, Tavegil, Ketotifen, and Diphenhydramine were 5 % of the total sales. The total revenue of these funds was UAH 718,43.

Conclusions. It has been found that the following AHP are in the greatest demand among the population: Nixar, Cetrine 20, L-cet, Dexamethasone, Cetrilev, Aerius, Cetrine 30. These drugs provide the main income of the pharmacy chain, and pharmacy employees need to ensure 100 % availability of this product name.


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How to Cite

Balitska О. P. ., Zlahoda, V. S., Hryhoruk, Y. M., Gaiday, O. D., Blahun, O. D., & Artemchuk , M. A. (2023). The ABС-analysis of the consumption of antihistaminic drugs. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(4), 31–35.



Health organization