Аnalysis of the market of medicinal products for the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids in order to determine the marketing opportunities for a domestic manufacturer





The spread of diseases of the rectum, namely hemorrhoids, leads to the deterioration of the physical and psychological health of the working-age population, increases the budget costs of the healthcare system, insurance companies, and the population’s own funds. In this regard, the development of new complex medicinal products is always relevant for domestic pharmacy.

Aim. To form a modern idea of the market structure and trends in the consumption of drugs for the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids, determine the possible potential for domestic developers and manufacturers.

Materials and methods. The research was conducted using the structural analysis logical and graphic methods, methods of marketing analysis.

Results. It was found that recently the market of antihemoroidal agents for topical application and capillary-stabilizing agents developed quite vigorously – the market growth rates in the period of 2020-2021 were from 15 to 23 % in physical units and from 28 to 40 % in monetary units. However, according to the structure of the producing countries, the market remains import-dependent. Drugs from France, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Slovenia, Italy, and the United States are available on the market. The leaders of sales are products manufactured by Servier (France), Innotek International (France), and Teva (Israel). The leaders in the supply of domestic drugs of this group are Borshchagovsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, JSC “Galichpharm”, Kyiv Vitamin Plant, PJSC “Darnitsa” Pharmaceutical company”, PJSC “Monpharm”. The most popular dosage forms are tablets, capsules, gels, ointments, suppositories.

Conclusions. Based on the changes identified, certain proposals have been developed for the domestic pharmaceutical industry – the market has a relatively small range of domestic complex medicines combining components of chemical and natural origin, including the plant raw material. The market has a positive development trend; therefore, further search for an effective complex drug is expedient.


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How to Cite

Mohammad, A. S. ., Ruban, O. A. ., Kovalevska, I. V. ., & Ievtushenko , O. M. . (2023). Аnalysis of the market of medicinal products for the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids in order to determine the marketing opportunities for a domestic manufacturer. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(4), 46–58. https://doi.org/10.24959/sphhcj.22.274



Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research