The study of pharmaceutical awareness of the population as the modern society need in the rational use of medicines



Aim. To study pharmaceutical awareness of the population in the rational use of medicines using innovative marketing tools.

Materials and methods. The results of an electronic survey of visitors to pharmacies using questionnaires of the author’s social project “Important facts about medicines” implemented by pharmacies are presented. The data analysis was accompanied by the use of sociological survey methods, descriptive statistics, graphic analysis, grouping methods and generalization of data.

Results. Based on the data generalization the existing correlation between the level of involving pharmacy visitors in the project with the interest in obtaining important facts about medicines was found. According to the number of responses provided by visitors during the project implementation, it can be argued that the most attractive was the information about the impact of medicines while driving, and half as attractive were the facts about the peculiarities of using medicines for children. It was determined that the most general important facts about medicines were well-known for the project participants; on average 53 % of respondents had a sufficient level of awareness. Thus, the highest level of awareness was determined regarding the side effects in case of simultaneous use of medicines and alcohol; increased blood pressure in case of medicines containing caffeine; strict compliance with the patient information leaflet for taking medicines. A sufficient number of project participants (44 % of the total number of pharmacy visitors who responded) indicated that they were aware of the facts about the peculiarities of using medicines for children under one year of age. The level of pharmaceutical awareness of pharmacy visitors concerning important facts about the effects of medicines on the human body while driving was the lowest; it was 33% among all pharmacy visitors who responded. For example, pharmacy visitors were not aware of what antihistamines should not be taken by drivers.

Conclusions. Based on the analysis a high level of self-motivation of visitors to expand the range of important knowledge about medicines and the effectiveness of innovative marketing tools to create pharmaceutical awareness of the population in issues of the rational use of medicines has been revealed.


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How to Cite

Kotvitska, A. A. ., Volkova, A. V. ., Ovakimian, O. S., Korzh, I. V., Surikova, I. O., & Sevriukov, O. V. . (2022). The study of pharmaceutical awareness of the population as the modern society need in the rational use of medicines. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 8(4), 3–13. Retrieved from



Social medicine and pharmacy: past, present and development prospects