Pharmacoinformatics: the latest IT technologies in the educational process, scientific and practical pharmacy




pharmacoinformatics; educational process; digitalization; scientific and practical pharmacy.


It has been established that the developed information systems and databases make it possible to create a single information space that will unite drug manufacturers, intermediaries, pharmacies and consumers, government structures, pharmaceutical enterprises and pharmaceutical companies. Such a unified information space will create an opportunity to conduct various researches in real time. It has been proven that the study of the course "Pharmacoinformatics" in higher education institutions of Ukraine for students of specialty 226 "Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy" of two specializations 226.01 "Pharmacy" and 226.02 "Industrial pharmacy" is a fundamental process on the way to the realization of future specialists in the pharmaceutical industry.


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How to Cite

Krychkovska, A. M. ., Monka, N. Y. ., Ilkiv, N. I. ., N. M. Vengrin, N. M., & Lubenets, V. I. . (2023). Pharmacoinformatics: the latest IT technologies in the educational process, scientific and practical pharmacy. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(1), 9–19.



Social medicine and pharmacy: past, present and development prospects