Topicality of teaching the educational discipline of the student’s choice “Chemistry of elements and their compounds”




chemistry of the elements and their compounds; teaching method; biological role; general and inorganic chemistry.


Aim. To highlight the relevance of teaching the educational component of the student’s choice “Chemistry of elements and their compounds” (EC CETC). The aim of the EC CETC course is to form a scientific outlook, skills, and abilities in applying chemical laws, study the role of chemical elements in biological processes, and create the basis for studying special ECs, and future professional activities.

Materials and methods. Scientific publications, the legislative framework of Ukraine; analytical, systematic, logical teaching methods were used.

Results. The relevance of teaching EC CETC has been considered; the peculiarities of the educational process have been shown and analyzed, and the attention has been focused on the importance of information about the biological and chemical properties of chemical elements and their inorganic compounds for future pharmacy specialists. It has been shown that the academic performance in fundamental chemical disciplines generally increased compared to 2020/2921 AY when EC CETC was not studied.

Conclusions. After completing the EC CETC course there is an increase in the quality of the academic performance of students in fundamental chemical disciplines, which indicates the importance of this component and the effectiveness of its teaching methods. As a result of studying EC CETC, students expand their knowledge and understanding of the subject area; learn to solve research and/or innovative problems in the field of pharmacy, critically comprehend the results obtained; develop the ability for abstract thinking, analysis, and synthesis. It would be desirable for all students to study both optional ECs – CETC and “Fundamentals of Quantitative Calculations in Pharmacy” since each of them provides a specific basis for the various specialized ECs studied in senior years. It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of testing educational materials on selective ECs, which should later be introduced into the programs of mandatory ECs.


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How to Cite

Kryskiv, O. S. ., Zhuravel, I. O. ., Koval, A. O. ., Antonenko, O. V. ., & Tsapko, Y. O. . (2023). Topicality of teaching the educational discipline of the student’s choice “Chemistry of elements and their compounds”. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(1), 20–29.



Social medicine and pharmacy: past, present and development prospects