Analysis of the state of implementation of digital technologies in pharmaceutical supply chain activities


  • A. G. Lisna National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • O. V. Posilkina National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine



pharmaceutical industry; pharmaceutical supply chain; subjects of the pharmaceutical market; digitalization; digital technologies


Aim. To study trends in the development of digital technologies in pharmacy, analyze the actual state of digitization of the domestic pharmaceutical industry and determine the impact of the implementation of digital technologies on the efficiency of the functioning of pharmaceutical supply chains and the ability of the latter to perform their socio-economic functions in new difficult economic conditions.

Materials and methods: To achieve the research goal, scientific sources on issues of digital logistics and transformational processes taking place in the pharmaceutical industry were analyzed. When conducting the research, the methods of information search, systematization, comparison and generalization were used, as well as the graphic method to increase the visibility of the presentation of the material.

Results. The relevance of digitalization of the pharmaceutical industry and the supply chain management in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic and martial law to improve the reliability and safety of their functioning has been substantiated. A review of Ukraine’s positions in the global digital competitiveness rating for 2017-2021 has been conducted. The conditions that determine the digital transformation of pharmaceutical supply chains in various contexts have been identified. The current state of digitization of the domestic pharmaceutical industry has been analyzed. The classification of digital technologies has been systematized according to the degree of their impact on the development of pharmaceutical supply chains.

Conclusions. It has been proven that the domestic pharmaceutical production has already accumulated a certain potential and experience in using digital technologies, which opens up serious innovative prospects for improving logistics processes in pharmacy and increasing the reliability, safety and efficiency of pharmaceutical supply chains. The Covid epidemic and military operations have highlighted the weaknesses of domestic pharmaceutical logistics. And it is the active implementation of digital technologies in the activities of pharmaceutical market entities that will contribute to their successful solution.


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How to Cite

Lisna, A. G. ., & Posilkina, O. V. . (2023). Analysis of the state of implementation of digital technologies in pharmaceutical supply chain activities. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(2), 35–45.



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities