The study of the experience of using retinoid-containing products in Ukraine




market analysis; respondent; retinoids; adapalene; tretinoin; surveys; soft dosage forms; solid dosage forms; acne; psoriasis


Aim. To analyze the use of retinoid-containing products in pharmaceutical and cosmetic practices in Ukraine and determine the prospects for developing domestic products with retinoids.

Materials and methods. The study employed such methods as surveys, mathematical statistics, data synthesis, and interpretation. The study object was senior students of higher pharmaceutical education, pharmacy employees (pharmacists), cosmetic industry professionals (dermatologists, cosmetologists), and visitors to beauty salons. The study was conducted from June to July 2023, during the russian military aggression. Internet surveys were used to interact with the target audience, including students of the National University of Pharmacy (Kharkiv) and the Municipal Institution of Higher Education “Rivne Medical Academy” (Rivne). Graduates of these educational institutions working in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical sectors, as well as professionals in the cosmetic industry and salon staff, were surveyed. A simplified formula for calculating a simple probability sample during public opinion surveys was used. The survey results obtained show the researched reality within the usual measure of reliability.

Results. Based on the research results, the level of awareness regarding the use of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products with retinoids by both consumers and the key players of the retinoid-containing product market, including dermatologists, cosmetologists, and pharmacy workers, has been determined. The main advantages and disadvantages of using retinoid-containing products, the approaches of different respondent groups in choosing cosmetic/pharmaceutical products with retinoids, and consumer preferences and recommendations of pharmaceutical and cosmetic market experts have been identified. It has been found that adapalene, tretinoin, and isotretinoin are the most well-known among all retinoids used at the pharmaceutical and cosmetic markets in Ukraine. For the treatment of acne and psoriasis, the majority of respondents prefer pharmaceutical products (52.8 % and 72 %, respectively). In contrast, a significant percentage of respondents in all groups are ready to use cosmetic products for skin rejuvenation procedures.

Conclusions. The data obtained show the need to develop a domestic pharmaceutical product based on retinoids for the treatment of acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and keratosis. The composition and technology of the product developed should ensure minimal side effects while maintaining high therapeutic activity.


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How to Cite

Shtrimaitis, O. V. ., Kukhtenko, O. S. ., & Deyneka, A. S. . (2023). The study of the experience of using retinoid-containing products in Ukraine. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(3), 57–64.



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities