Assessment of the quality and effectiveness of the work of regulatory authorities in the field of drug circulation




regulatory authorities; regulatory services; circulation of medicines; assessment of accessibility and quality of services.


Aim. To assess the quality and effectiveness of the work of regulatory authorities in the field of drug circulation.

Materials and methods. The study was based on data from scientific publications, statistical reports, results of our own research, including a survey of representatives of senior management positions of business entities in the pharmaceutical sector of the healthcare sector. The methods used were a sociological survey, descriptive statistics, graphical analysis, and data generalization.

Results. Based on the results of the analysis of international and domestic experience in assessing the activities of state regulatory authorities, a system of qualitative indicators for assessing the effectiveness of their work was proposed. According to the questionnaire developed, an anonymous survey was conducted among representatives of the management level with at least 5 years of experience in organizations and enterprises engaged in a certain area of pharmaceutical activity. It was found that according to the indicators of assessing the general principles of providing regulatory services in the field of circulation of medicines, quality and availability of regulatory services, the activities of public authorities were assessed at a satisfactory level. It was determined that the work of regulatory authorities with complaints from consumers of their services needed to be improved, and the level of performance of regulatory functions in controlling the promotion of medicines and their advertising was also necessary to be improved.

Conclusions. Thus, based on the results obtained at this stage of the study, it can be stated that the level of activity of regulatory authorities in the field of circulation of medicinal products is satisfactory from the point of view of the recipients of their services. At the same time, taking into account the world experience of using approaches to assess state bodies in providing services to individuals and legal entities, we consider it necessary to develop a unified procedure for conducting a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of regulatory authorities by self-assessment and stakeholder assessment of regulatory services using the same performance indicators.


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How to Cite

Kotvitska, A. A., & Suvorov M. О. . (2023). Assessment of the quality and effectiveness of the work of regulatory authorities in the field of drug circulation. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(4), 22–30.



Health organization